Thursday, May 13, 2010

MIKE DILLARD, AUSTIN,TEXAS and Something Most Recently Stumbled Upon that Amazes Even Me..

And yes, I have seen miracles happen before my eyes! But this is a little different. It is called Magnetic Marketing, Attraction Marketing, and it undoubtedly has other names. But only 3% of Networkers or MLMer's can actually stand still long enough to begin to see the muddy waters of Internet Marketing Confusion clear and the clearing is due to this unique way of marketing.

Mike Dillard lives in Austin, Texas.:) It is also the home of your truely.:)) In an email recently received from Mike he explains how he was amazed to get an email from a famous celeb actress, who happens to play a certain role in the popular t.v. serise "24". Well, she is also an entrepreneur and has recently resurrected her networking business. She came across Mike's online marketing system and boom! She is a very happy marketing camper.

For those slightly curious as to what on earth I am talking about, here is a way to actually "OPT-IN" and get Free Online Marketing Training in reference to Attraction Marketing content. All you've gotta do is put in your email address and name and the system will follow up with the much needed info. CLICK HERE NOW !

Sunday, September 6, 2009


So how do you achieve top search ranking for your article? We are speaking of your very own article being placed on the number one google search engine page! I need to mention that this will cost you nothing except your time.

If you use articles to market your own product, project or promotion, and you are looking for major visibility, here are a couple of secrets to almost guarantee you a top search ranking. We are not talking about Google only, but a top search ranking for your article on all the major search engines, including the most private search engine which is known as Startpage. Startpage does not record your IP address like all the othe engines do and does not pass on this information to marketing companies etc.

Firstly, we need to find keywords (small phrases of one to four words) that are within a certain search parameter. The number of total searches Google records can be easily found by simply doing a search for your keywords between quotes in the search box i.e. "xxxxx" At the top of the results there will be a number showing. Secret number one is to keep this number under 5000. Of course the words have to be directly related to your article, and for best results must appear in article title and first and last paragraph of article body.(That was secret number two and three) Your article should be around 400 words.

Having written your article as described above, we must then submit it to the major article directories beginning with EzineArticle after opening up a free account with that article directory. Do the same sign up process with the following directories,
Articledashboard,Easyarticle,Articlealley,Ideamarketers,and Thearticlesense. These are all dotcoms. There is software you can obtain to make this less time consuming.

To get desired results quickly it is advisable to begin your own blog at 'blogspot'for example, and copy and paste article into that. Your article should have a link at the end of it leading to a landing page which has more info for the reader, or directly to a sell page. I generally submit to the directories and have a link in the article to the same article on my blog. And on my blog article have a link to the landing page I wish the readers to go to for more information.

The results of this method have been very encouraging even though I have written relatively few articles. This is to be considered priceless information that will indeed give the user a top search engine ranking in all major search engines. Now go to google and type in the Key words that are the whole title of this article in quotes i.e. "top search ranking for your article". You will find this article on the number one google page at least once.
For more information and simple techniques on getting top search ranking for your article, please click on this last sentence. Wealthy Affiliate University will teach you priceless information on this self-same subject without costing you an arm and a leg. In fact for only $1.00, you can have full access at this time.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Calorie burner food is worthy of research. In the previous article entitled 'Calorie Burner Food ', we revealed a list of naturally growing foods readily available at the local grocery store.
The main focus of this little epilogue is to focus more upon the big picture.

It is one thing to know what one should be doing to change something externally, but it is another thing altogether to begin to implement change. Change begins with a choice, but very often the power to carry out that choice is quite another matter. We are all pretty much slaves in one way ot another to patterns and habits we have ingrained within, and much of this ingrained information has been passed down to us by those who raised us as children. The whole process is kinda like waking up. We may have had our head and outlook wrapped up in a belief system that held us in defeat because it is simply mis- information.

For example, believing in a diet pill as having the intrinsic power to be able to forever change the way we look externally. Simply put, this is not true at all. Diet pills may cause weight loss and temporary changes, but it has been shown over and over that this is not sustainabe. In other words there has been no real change from within the person.

The power of belief is greatly underestimated in this regard. The book of Wisdom in the Bible is known as the Book of Proverbs and was wriiten by King Solomon, the son of King David who slew the giant Philistine warrior Goliath. In it there is one sentence that speaks of the power of what a man or woman declares in their hearts. 'As a man says in his heart, so he is'. Doesn't it make sense then, that perhaps if our thinking changes as we get new information coupled with understanding, different results will come as a result of that changed belief. After all for example, do we still believe the world is flat? Once it was common belief. New information changed that. And with new information came a new mode of operation based on a new belief. See the connection?

If you are ready for new information and the key to change in regard to your desired outcome, please feel free to go to the following link: DOORWAY TO DESIRED OUTCOME

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Bride diets, bridal diets, wedding day diets, and wedding day weight reduction all have the same thing in common. It is a very awesome element i.e. The lady has a need to feel beautiful on her wedding day. As poetically potent as it may seem, it is also just as true. Therefore, we must ensure the lady has taken thought long before hand on how to prepare herself for this very special day.

If we feel the lady is a little too large for the dress, we can do one of two things. We can make the dress to fit the lady or, as I am sure the lady will agree, make the lady fit the dress. I believe that is why we are reading this article.

The key to the whole thing here is preparation. We live in days in which this concept is little understood, especially in the western hemisphere. The whole idea of planning is good, but a wedding is indeed much more than a planned series of events to be coldly played out in time.

Here we are talking about a symphony unfolding, or a poem flowing from the pen of a ready writer. There is more art and grace in the process of the preparation to the event, and the lady has to take time to prepare. She has to allow herself time to prepare. She is, in essence, making herself ready for the marriage feast and in its true context there is indeed a wonderfully mystical air to the whole picture. She is to be joined forever in love to her betrothed. There will be many guests, yes, those who serve the guests, yes, the bride and the bridegroom, most definitely. Not to mention the best man, maid of honor etc. and the Father of the Bride whose honor and privilege it is to 'give her away' in this celebration of their union.

So let's toast the bride and groom. The subject of bride diets, bridal diets, wedding day and wedding day weight reduction all pale in the light and warmth of this wonderfully romantic setting. All the best to you. May you forever honor and cherish one another.

If the lady will indeed take the time to prepare herself she will probably need the following very practical tips right up until her very wedding day. For information on these invaluable tips, please follow the link : INVALUABLE BRIDAL DIET TIPS