Thursday, May 13, 2010

MIKE DILLARD, AUSTIN,TEXAS and Something Most Recently Stumbled Upon that Amazes Even Me..

And yes, I have seen miracles happen before my eyes! But this is a little different. It is called Magnetic Marketing, Attraction Marketing, and it undoubtedly has other names. But only 3% of Networkers or MLMer's can actually stand still long enough to begin to see the muddy waters of Internet Marketing Confusion clear and the clearing is due to this unique way of marketing.

Mike Dillard lives in Austin, Texas.:) It is also the home of your truely.:)) In an email recently received from Mike he explains how he was amazed to get an email from a famous celeb actress, who happens to play a certain role in the popular t.v. serise "24". Well, she is also an entrepreneur and has recently resurrected her networking business. She came across Mike's online marketing system and boom! She is a very happy marketing camper.

For those slightly curious as to what on earth I am talking about, here is a way to actually "OPT-IN" and get Free Online Marketing Training in reference to Attraction Marketing content. All you've gotta do is put in your email address and name and the system will follow up with the much needed info. CLICK HERE NOW !


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